People of Christ Missionary Baptist Church 11473 West Larch Road Tracy, CA 95304 God lives in our Hearts
People of Christ Missionary Baptist Church11473 West Larch RoadTracy, CA 95304God lives in our Hearts 



Prayer Request Form




You can also feel free to submit a Prayer Request by filling out the form.


Please select the specific prayer, or select multiple prayer request from the prayer checkboxes in the Prayer Request Form.


Someone from The Prayer Warriors Team will intercede on your behalf and respond to you ASAP!!!


Thanks for believing in prayer and taking the time to use our Prayer Request Form. 


There is power in Prayer!!  


"Pray without ceasing." 1 Thessalonians 5:17



The New Prayer Hotline: (209) 321-8919


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9:30 - 10:30

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(209) 321-8919

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11473 West Larch Road

Tracy, CA  95304

Phone: (209) 833-7258

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© People of Christ Missionary Baptist Church, Deacon Alley - Webmaster